The global attack on farmers picks up steam. The Dutch have been fighting the restrictions placed on their ability to produce food for some months. But alas, they are far from the only targets in this globalist agenda. Countries all around the world are moving to reduce food production – specifically meat and dairy.

The New York mayor launches an attack on meat and dairy products. Ireland introduces measure to cull their productive herds to meet climate targets (set by who? or is that WHO and the UN and the WEF?).
Why reduce animal numbers? Because it doesn’t affect “us.” The rich will still continue to jet set around the world in their private jets and super yachts. They don’t mind if they have to pay exorbitant fees to buy their steak and cheese pies. It is only the plebs on the street who will be priced out of the meat market. But don’t worry, Bill Gates has a solution (no pun intended) with his printed muck meat grown in test tubes.
Of course that isn’t the only way Bill will profit. He has found new markets to peddle his so-called vaccines. Just in case any of you thought you had escaped the clot shot. Your steak will now come pre-vaccinated to save you the trip to the doctors.

Obviously the great dinosaurs that once ruled the world killed themselves by overdosing on methane. Clearly the giant vegetation that once covered the earth was not feeding off the CO2. There must have been another reason that the plant life was so prolific.
Do not fear, as well as the plethora of new planet saving taxes, culling of the animal numbers, and stuffing them full of “improvements,’ we are also coating the atmosphere with all manner of toxins to modify the weather and deflect the sun. I mean what could possibly go wrong? And if it does, who would get the blame? No doubt it was an act of God. Blame him.
No, this is a deliberate assassination of the natural in favour of the patent-able. The guise is fighting the climate crisis, but as we know, the only fact we know is there is climate change (and has been since time began). Everything else is racketeering.
So if eating bugs is not a priority on your to-do-list, then you need to start taking action today. Vote with you money about the kind of things you would like to be eating. Make submissions where you have the chance. Stand up and be counted – don’t just leave it to someone else and be surprised when it is too late to stop.

For those that live in New Zealand, the coming elections are a great opportunity to change the path we are heading down (possibly your last chance at the speed we are traveling). You can vote for one of the main parties – and waste your vote. Or you can use your vote like the Dutch did to bring about real change.
Do not complain about their being no hope if you do not exercise your right to vote and use your vote for genuine change. A change of colour flying the same agendas is not a change. The Freedoms NZ collective is the closest thing to a democracy that has been offered in NZ politics, certainly in recent years. The policies are NZ-centric and do not pander to the globalists. If you have a problem with one or other parties or personalities, get over yourself and vote anyway. Despite the lies that will be pushed going into the elections, the only wasted vote is the one for the same parties and people that have collectively sold us out in previous decades.
I am reminded of the person who was caught up in a flood. While sitting on his roof surrounded in flood waters, he had several boats and a helicopter come by offering to rescue him, Each one he refused; saying that God would rescue him. When the man arrived at heaven he had a question of God as to why God didn’t come and rescue him. God said he sent 3 boats and a helicopter but you refused to be rescued.
So it is with politics. You can always find an excuse not to vote for someone. But don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.
I hope we see a change for a better future this election for the sake of my children and their children. And while I will be working toward that end my true hope is in a future beyond the greedy clutches of the globalists and their dark overlord.
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